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Mike Conley, Jr.
National Basket League’s #2 amateur golfer

Derek Anderson
Former Buffalo Bill Quaterback and #1 golfer in the NFL

Dan Uggla
Former American Major Baseball League & Silver Slugger Award Winner

Quincy Jones
American Philanthropist

Brodie Smith
World Frisbee Champion

Josh “JJ” Johnson
Word Series Champion for the Florida Marlins

Kyle Williams
Former American Football defensive end for the Buffalo Bills

Cody Ross
Former Boston Red Sox and San Francisco Baseball champion
David Leadbetter
2019 Lifetime Achievement Award

Caroline Rominger
Swiss Golf Pro

Howard Carpendale
German Singer & Songwriter

Max Evans
Scottish Rugby Champion and actor

Thom Evans
Scottish Rugby player and Dancing with the Stars winner

Roberto Giorgi
Chairman, Fraser Yachts

Gustav Vik
Partner VIK Vineyards & VIK Resorts

Piers Ward
Me and My Golf

Ilia Melia
Russian Real Estate Tycoon

Sebastian Carmichael-Brown
Trilby Tour Grand Champion

Alex Vik
Harvard Hall of Fame, Captain Harvard’s Men’s Golf Team

Bruno Andreis
Creator of Swedish Golf Model

Bruno Andreis
Creator of Swedish Golf Model

Mario Stagni
World Rally Champion

Ilija Djurdjevic
World’s Longest Drive Champion
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